Palmers Green Estate Agents

301 Green Lanes, London, N13 4XS

The Edwardian estates of Old Lakes, Minchenden and Monkfrith remain the zenith of housing here, and original features can be accordingly thick on the ground.

The added attraction here is the presence of Broomfield Park, and this with the undulating terrain can make for some particularly fine views.

East of Green Lanes the property follows the contour lines even more and the dominance of the North Circular (A406) becomes more apparent, although the widening of the road with its attendant flyovers and underpasses has cut congestion and traveling times to the M11. Here many of the Edwardian villas have been long split into flats, although some of this process has been reversed.

By the time we get to the eastern edge of N13 the air is far more Edmonton than Palmers Green, with some housing in the shadow of the great junction of the A10 and the A406. Here we find rows of inter-war semis and terraces, nearly all with sizeable gardens.

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020 8882 6567 / Email

Kris White MARLA

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020 8882 6567 / Email

Dimitri Spaliaras

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020 8882 6567 / Email

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